You Are Your Dog’s Favorite Scent

You are your dog’s favorite scent. Your dog recognizes you before he or she even sees you. Do you think your dog recognizes your scent?

Dogs may be known as “man’s best friends” but there’s still so much we have to learn about how they think and feel. Scientists are conducting exciting research on dogs using MRI’s to learn more about what makes our furry best friends tick.

This past spring, Emory University researchers conducted brain scans on dogs to learn how they respond to “biological odors.”  They found that an owner’s familiar scent “lingers like perfume in a dog’s brain” and activates the section associated with a reward response.

Dogs in this study responded to their owners scent more positively than they did to other people and even other dogs. According to National Geographic, this study also implies that a dog associates its owner with good feelings and expectations, similar to what humans think of as pleasure.

The more we understand about how our pets think, the better we can help them cope when we have to leave for work or vacation. Many dogs experience a slight of separation anxiety simply because they miss their humans. Now that we know how comforting our scent is to our pets, we can leave them items that smell like us.

In Home Pet Sitters

The next time you go on vacation or drop your pet at doggie day care, try leaving it with one of your old t-shirts or scarves. Of course, this item should be something that you don’t mind getting dirty or chewed-on. This item will smell like you and provide your dog with comfort and joy in your absence.

Your pet’s comfort is our priority. Our professional pet sitters can care for your pet in your home or theirs. We also offer taxi services, mid-day potty breaks and doggie day care. Contact us to learn more about how we can help.


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