Summer Travel With Your Cat

Summer travel with your cat can be very rewarding if you do your homework. Cats are fairly easy to travel with, as they often ride well in a pet carrier. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of summer travel with your cat.
Research your lodging before you head out on the open road. Not every hotel or motel is open to a cat. There is nothing worse than finding yourself without lodging for the night when the clock is striking midnight due to the fact that you are traveling with a cat. If the website is not clear about rules for pets, pick up the phone to call them.
Before you even leave the driveway, make sure you have a plan as to where you will be breaking for rest areas. Your cat will want snuggle time, feeding time, and a little exercise.
If you have not trained your cat to walk on a leash, you may want to do that before you hit the highway.
A visit to your local veterinarian is a must before you leave home. You will want documentation from your vet that states your cat is fully vaccinated. If you are leaving the country, make sure you know the rules of the other country. Each state also has different rules and regulations, so make sure you know what vaccinations are a must. It’s up to you, the cat owner, to know what vaccinations and paperwork are needed. A healthy cat is much easier to travel with than an ill cat.
Should you find that your cat does not travel well in trial runs around your local community, which we highly suggest. Call us at 321-794-4477, as we can assist with the care of your feline friend while you are traveling this summer.