January: National Train Your Dog Month

Did you know that January is National Train Your Dog Month? Training your dog can be fun for both you and Fido when you are patient.
It’s no secret that puppies are a lot of work and fun! But, when it comes to training them, it’s important that you remember that they are young. Your patience will be tested, but in the long run, it will pay off. Start slow when it comes to working with your puppy. Enjoy the cuteness and learn to be patient. Tip: Have tasty dog treats on hand.
It sounds simple, right? Good behavior should win out when it comes to working with your dog. Often times the bad behavior is something dog owners focus on, which can lead to many steps backward when it comes to training your dog. Focus on the good. Your dog looks up to you, even when things seem to be falling apart. When dog owners reinforce the good behavior, dogs become very trainable and enjoy your partnership!
Training sessions are important, as is regular exercise. It’s important to take your dog on simple walks to let them run off extra energy. Let’s face it, a bored dog can be loaded with trouble! Keep your dog busy and give them something to look forward to on a regular basis, which can easily be regular exercise. Depending on where you live, may determine what this regular exercise is. It may be playing catch or it may be a daily walk.
Training your dog can be a bonding experience. If you find you are taking too many steps backward when it comes to training your dog, enroll in a dog obedience course. This may be the best investment you can make when it comes to the life of your dog. A happy, well-trained dog will add joy to your family for several years.