Tips For Celebrating National Walk Your Dog Day

Walking your dog can be one of life’s most precious moments. Did you know that Walk Your Dog Day is on February 22nd this year? We’d like to think that every day is walk your dog day, as dogs love to get out and walk. Here are some tips to make this day extra special for you and your dog.
Dressing for the weather makes for an ideal walk. If there is high humidity and the temps are rising, layer up. We all know that the temps change as we get closer to the water and this time of year can bring drastic changes. If it’s near freezing or there is sand or salt on your walking path, you may want to invest in dog socks. Most dogs do not like them, but yours may think they are the best thing since sliced bread.
Dog walks are fun when dog owner’s make the time to invest in a leash that represents their dog and your lifestyle. Are you someone who enjoys life on the beach?
Why not find a leash with a beach umbrella and colors of the sea? Maybe your dog is super loveable. A bright red leash, accompanied with a fun collar with dog bones on it would make for a great conversation piece at your local dog park.
Let’s face it, dogs and people love treats! Make your dog treats extra special and bake them up in your kitchen. When is the last time you baked treats for your dog? And while you are at it, make sure you get a treat for yourself as well. Plan your walk around a local ice cream shop and you have found the ideal dog walking partner!
Most importantly get out and walk with your dog. Dogs love to walk with you and they love it when you make the time to enjoy them. If you find your day extra busy, give us a call at 321-794-4477 and we will be happy to take your dog for a walk or two. Make every day Walk Your Dog Day and you will both be happy campers!