National Disaster Preparedness Month

Join us this September as we discuss National Disaster Preparedness Month.
Even with the most careful preparation, some disasters happen without much warning. Summer storms, floods, earthquakes, and extreme winter weather are all occurrences that could affect our communities at some point. Even if we’ve never experienced a disaster before, it’s always helpful to know which precautions we can take.
Those of us who own pets can take additional precautions in case of disaster to make sure our animal friends are also safe. The Department of Homeland Security offers many resources for emergency planning online. Here are some helpful thing we learned from them:
Ensure easy identification. Make sure that your pet’s wearing an ID tag with your current contact information. Consider microchipping. It’s become more affordable these days and will make reunification with your pet easier should its tags fall off. Also, keep a photo of your pet on hand.
Know which shelters and hotels allow pets in case of evacuation. Unfortunately, not all emergency shelters allow pets. Homeland Security suggests pet owners check out Go Pet Friendly to find pet friendly motels and hotels. Simply search by city.
Keep your pet’s medical records conveniently located. Many shelters, boarding facilities need proof of vaccinations to care for pets. These records can be easily requested from your vet.
In case you absolutely have to leave your pet at home, do not confine your pet to a kennel or chain it outside. Leave your pet in a safe area inside the home. Please remember that a shelter is much safer option. Pets left at home during an emergency have a difficult time surviving. But if you have no other options, take these measures. Provide plenty of food and water for your pet, and leave the toilet seat up for additional water access. Placing a notice outside about your pet and leaving your contact information inside can help people find you.
Arrange an emergency contact: In the case that you’d have a difficult time finding a pet-friendly shelter, contact friends or family members to learn who could help care for your pet in case you need to evacuate your home.
Understand your pet may need extra care after a disaster. Your pet may feel stressed or traumatized by the experience. Don’t hesitate to connect with a vet. Homeland Security also reminds us to be careful for downed power lines and animals such as snakes that may enter residential areas after flooding.
For more information on disaster preparedness and your pet, visit
We wish you a happy and safe fall. Contact anytime by email or phone at 321-794-4477 for more information about in-home pet boarding and pet taxi services.