Keeping Your Dog Cool On Summer Walks

Keeping your dog cool in the Summer is just as important to them, as it is to humans. Summers are reaching hitting breaking temperatures around the United States. Humans beat the heat by remaining in air-conditioned buildings and splashing by the pool or ocean. Our furry friends still need their daily walks, but want to remain cool as well. Here are some suggestions for making sure you pet enjoys safe and cool summer walks.

man walking the dog down the street, dog sitting services


Time your walks during cool parts of the day. Take Fido outside before work or after dinner to avoid the temperature spikes. You may also enjoy that these walks are refreshing way to gear up for a great day at work and settle down after a long one.

Bring water. Pack a little sack to take on your walk. In addition to your doggie waste bags, pack a water bottle and extra container to pour water into for your dog to drink from. While we may be able to go on a short walk without a water break, your pet may become overheated quickly depending on the thickness and color of its coat.  You can also find portable water bottle-dog bowl sets online or at your local pet supply store.

Be mindful of hot pavement. Since we wear tennis shoes on walks, we often forget how hot the sun heats the pavement. Blacktop becomes especially hot. Keep in mind that it may actually be hot enough to hurt your dog’s feet. Walking your dog during the coolest parts of the day is the best solution, but if Fido’s feet are especially sensitive, try staying on grassy areas or covering his feet with socks or paw wax. The author of this Petslady article offers many suggestions for feet protectors.

Listen to your dog. Ok, so dog’s can’t really talk, but their body language will tell you all you need to know. As Cesar Milan recommends, give your dog the opportunity to feel out the weather. Fido may still proceed to beg for that walk or want to go back inside. Once you get started, pay attention to how your dog behaves on the walk. He or she may be up for a short walk, but want to return home a lot earlier than normal.

Try swimming. Some dogs really enjoy swimming! Go for a paddle in a pool or lake that welcomes dogs instead of the daily walk.

As always, never leave your dog in a hot car! We’d love to know how you and your dog stay cool during the summer. Call us  at 321-794-4477 for more information about our pet taxi services and cage-free boarding options.

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