How Often Should I Bathe My Pet?


How often should I bathe my pet? This is one of our most common questions at In-Home Pet Sitters and we love to assist. From general hygiene issues to bathing, we’ve got you covered!

The answer for both dogs and cats is, “It depends,” though it’s probably less frequently than you might expect. Variables that effect how often one should bathe their pet include odor, activity level, and skin condition.

The ASPA recommends that owners bathe their dogs about once every three months and cats whenever they get into something dirty or sticky. Most cats self-groom and keep themselves clean, especially if they live indoors. Whether or not your pet needs bathing, nearly every pet can benefit from daily brushing.

woman sitting on floor with dog

According to Dr. Sherry Weaver, dogs don’t need bathing unless they have specific skin conditions. Owners typically bathe their dogs to make them better smelling companions. Should your pet need a bath, remember that their skin has different needs from humans. A dog’s skin needs a specific pH balance and even baby shampoo can strip away your pet’s protective skin oil.

The most important aspect to choosing a pet shampoo is picking one that is specially formulated for your dog or cat. Make sure to check the label in case it’s meant for a specific need. For example, some shampoos might contain insecticides or deodorizers. If you desire to bathe your pet more often, try using a soap-free, hypoallergenic variety.

Proper grooming and occasional baths are great opportunities to check your pet’s skin for any abnormal lumps or bumps, rashes and ticks.  Plus, brushing reduces matting and removes dead hair and dander from accumulating in your house.

If you are unsure about your pet’s bathing needs, consult your veterinarian.

Our staff at In-Home Pet Sitters can help you take your pet to and from the vet or groomer. We can also discuss meeting your pet’s bathing needs if you’d like pet sitting services. Contact us at 321-794-4477 to learn how we can help!


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