You love your pets, and as time goes on their coats begin to lose their luster. Teeth begin to show signs of decay as well. Just like humans, it is important that...
Winter Pet Grooming
We’re still not clear of 2014’s coldest Florida nights, so we want to address pet grooming for the winter months. At In-Home Pet Sitters, we love a perfectly-coiffed pet, but we also...

Cold Weather Tips for Pet Owners
Here in Florida, we’re not accustomed to the cold weather we’ve seen this week. And neither are our pets! As temperatures dip, we’ll cover a few tips for how to keep your...

Embrace The New Year By Focusing On Your Pets
Now that a new year is upon us, your pets may still be trying to recover from the holiday rush of your home. If your pet was a recent new addition to...

Pets Stress During Holidays Too!
At In-Home Pet Sitters, we’re your resource for pet sitting and in-home pet boarding in Melbourne, Palm Bay, and all of Brevard county. We love our pet families and we want to...